A Zoe the Zebra hat has been on my to do list for a few months ever since Sarah at
Repeat Crafter Me posted her design for her newborn Zoe. As I was making the beanie, and realizing just how many ends I would have to weave in (my least favourite part of crocheting), I thought about her recent
candy cane hat pattern and wondered if it would work using different stitches. So I gave it a try and it did!
Who would want to weave in all those ends? |
As I've merged the two patterns, I've written my directions in full as it's just too confusing to only post the changes this time. But please refer to Sarah's posts (linked above) for great pictures and tutorials, especially for starting the candy cane pattern and building the Zebra pieces. As my 16 month old Zoe often wears her hats unsupervised I didn't want to use buttons or felt so crocheted all the additions.
Vanna's Choice yarn in white and pink
Red Super Saver yarn in black
F/5-3.75mm hook and E/4-3.50mm hook (Disclaimer - I crochet loosely so a normal person would use H and G hooks)
2 Stitch Markers
Tapestry Needle
Abbreviations (Using US Terms):
ch - Chain
SC - Single Crochet
DC - Double Crochet
HDC - Half Double Crochet
W - White Yarn
B - Black Yarn
Beanie (Toddler Size):
Round 1: With F hook and white yarn, make a magic ring, ch 1, 2 SC, 2 HDC, DC in ring. Don't fasten off or pull tight. Join black yarn and ch 1 onto magic ring next to the white DC, 5 SC with black yarn, pull tight (5 W DC, 5 B SC).
Round 2: With white, 2 DC in next 5 stitches. With black, 2 SC in next 5 stitches. (10 W DC, 10 B SC)
Round 3: With white, *2 DC in first stitch, DC in next stitch* five times. With black, *2 SC in first stitch, SC in next stitch* five times. (15 W DC, 15 B SC). Place a marker in the last stitch of each colour. It helped me see the beginning of each round.
Round 4: With white, *2 DC in first stitch, DC in next 2 stitches* five times. With black, *2 SC in first stitch, DC in next 2 stitches* five times. (20 W DC, 20 B SC)
Round 5: With white, *2 DC in first stitch, DC in next 4 stitches* four times. With black, *2 SC in first stitch, DC in next 4 stitches* four times. (24 W DC, 24 B SC)
Round 6: With white, *2 DC in first stitch, DC in next 11 stitches* twice. With black, *2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 11 stitches* twice. (26 W DC, 26 B SC)
Round 7: With white, *2 DC in first stitch, DC in next 12 stitches* twice. With black, *2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 12 stitches* twice. (28 W DC, 28 B SC)
Round 8: With white, *2 DC in first stitch, DC in next 13 stitches* twice. With black, *2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 13 stitches* twice. (30 W DC, 30 B SC)
Rounds 9-16: 30 white DC, 30 black SC. Use stitch markers to define rounds.
Finish off: With white, HDC, SC, slip stitch. With black, SC in next 2 stitches, slip stitch.
Here's the two beanies side by side. Candy Cane on the right and Sarah's Zebra hat pattern on the right. Note the lack of seem with the Candy cane version.
Earflaps (make 2):
Use the joins between black and white to mark the centers of each side of the hat. Join white 5 stitches before the center point.
Row1: Ch 1, SC in next 10, ch 1, turn (10 SC)
Row 2: SC decrease, SC in next 6 stitches, SC decrease, ch 1, turn (8 SC)
Row 3: SC across, ch 1, turn (8 SC)
Row 4: SC decrease, SC in next 4 stitches, SC decrease, ch 1, turn (6 SC)
Row 5: SC across, ch 1, turn (6 SC)
Row 6: SC decrease, SC in next 2 stitches, SC decreases, ch 1, turn (4 SC)
Row 7: SC across, ch 1, turn (4 SC)
Row 8: 2 SC decreases, ch 1, turn (2 SC)
Row 9: SC decrease, fasten off and weave in ends)
With pink accent colour, join at any point of hat, ch 1 and SC around, join with a slip stitch to first stitch, fasten off, and weave in ends.
Ears (make 2):
Make outer ear in black, using F hook. Make inner ear in white using E hook so it comes out a bit smaller.
Row 1: Ch 5, SC in 2nd ch from hook and in remaining chs, ch 1, turn (4 SC)
Row 2: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 2 stitches, 2 SC in last stitch, ch 1, turn (6 SC)
Row 3-5: SC in each stitch across, ch 1, turn (6 SC)
Row 6: SC decrease, SC in next 2 stitches, SC decrease, ch 1, turn (4 SC)
Row 7: SC in each stitch across, ch 1, turn (4 SC)
Row 8: SC decrease twice, SC around whole ear. Fasten off, leaving a long tail in black to sew onto hat.
Join the inner and outer ears together by SC around the white piece into the front loop of the black piece with pink yarn.
Sew ears onto hat by pinching the bottom of the ear and stitching it together with a tapestry needle. Then attach to hat at the crease through two black SCs in the third and fourth round. Weave through the same SCs and ear until secure.
Row 1: With black, ch 7, SC in 2nd ch from hook and in remaining chs, ch 1, turn (6 SC)
Row 2: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 2 stitches, 2 SC in last stitch, ch 1, turn (8 SC)
Row 3: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 6 stitches, 2 SC in last stitch, ch 1, turn (10 SC)
Row 4: 2 SC in first stitch, SC in next 8 stitches, 2 SC in last stitch, ch 1, turn (12 SC)
Row 5: SC across, ch 1, turn (12 SC)
Row 6: SC decrease, SC in next 8 stitches, SC decrease, ch 1, turn (10 SC)
Row 7: SC decrease, SC in next 6 stitches, SC decrease, ch 1, turn (8 SC)
Row 8: SC decrease, SC in next 4 stitches, SC decrease, finish off, leaving a long tail to attach to hat (6 SC)
Nostrils (Make 2):
With pink, magic circle, ch 1, SC 5, join with slip stitch to first stitch, finish off.
Eyes (Make 2):
With black, magic circle, ch 2, HDC 5, join with slip stitch to first stitch, finish off.
Attach nostrils to snout, and snout and eyes to face. Weave in ends.
Wrap a strand of pink and a strand of black yarn around four fingers 3 times. Pull through center stitch of the back of the hat in the bottom row to make a loop then pull yarn through the loop to attache. Repeat in every white round all the way up the hat. Cut loops and trim ends.