Sunday, December 15, 2013

Cloche Hat

I first made this hat for Zoe in the spring.

I've just finished making one for my cousin's daughter, Eva. . . just in time for Mum to take it over to England with her.  It was made to fit a five year old, hence Amelia modeling.

I used this pattern from Crochet Kitten, with a g hook and Bernat Softee Baby yarn in flannel.  The smaller hook and lighter (is that the right word?) yarn help me crochet to a similar size as the pattern.

I sized it up to a child size as follows:
In my magic circle, dc 23 in ring, making 12 shells per round throughout the pattern.  Repeat rounds 4-5 through round 17, so there are 19 rounds in total.

I ran out of ribbon for Eva's hat so just used some shiny yarn and an h hook for the rim and center of the flower.

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